Thursday, May 21, 2015

Together as One

My mother in the middle and Jenny on the right 
The day finally arrived when my cohort would be presented to the school board.  I finally had the opportunity to meet my 2015 Columbia cohort as well as my chaperon Joyce.  I was glad Don had sent out headshots of our chaperons because I had not yet had my meet and greet with her yet. I was easy to spot her in the crowed and with a warm smile we formally introduced ourselves to each other. Joyce was the chaperon for the Columbia Cohort last year which means she was aware of what to expect during the school board meeting. Joyce asked us to begin thinking about the activity’s we like to do while in New York.
Thao was so happy
Before the school board meeting began I had spare time to get to know some of the other students I will get to spend the summer with. When I began talking to Mark and Saba I could tell that we were going to get along great. I also talked to Jenny and Thao and caught up with them.
 I am so grateful to be going to Columbia University this summer and once again having the opportunity to bring something different back to my school.
Joann from U  Penn ILC group
 My cohort was the first group to be presented and Alyanna was the first to give her speech. She did a wonderful job speaking about her expectations and what she hopes to learn as well as what she expects to give back to her community.
Mark on the right 
Earlier that day I had been nervous about meeting my new cohort but once I began talking to them my nerves became excitement and I now look forward to our meet and greet because I want to get to know everyone more. Don did a great job taking the group photo of all the ILCers and the parents as well as the chaperons. 

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